Come possiamo aiutarti ?


  • Send a message

    Go to a profile, click on the "Message" icon. Or go to the messaging system and choose the recipient.

  • Send a grouped message

    Send a grouped message to your members from your premium space : Messaging > Send a grouped message.

     - All followers : Message sent to all the people who follow you (follow).
     - Only fans : Message sent to your fans still active.
     - Followers not fans : Message sent to all the people who follow you and who are not already subscribers (fans).
     - Former fans : Message sent to your former fans.

    Click here to access it directly.

  • Configure automatic messages

    Configure automatic messages from your premium space: Messaging > Automatic messages.

     - New fans : Message sent automatically to your new fans.
     - New followers : Message sent automatically to your new followers.
     - Profile visitors - non fans : Message sent automatically to your non fans followers.
     - Profile visitors - non-followers: Message automatically sent to visitors who visit your profile and who are not yet followers or fans.

    Click here to access it directly.

  • Blocking a user

    Go to a profile, click on the "Block" icon.

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