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I attract gazes, but I'm also a very shy little girl... I only share these with you. I live in a small town and want to leave or it would cause a stir or...
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Easter eggs!
April 3rd - April 10th!

One week to very happy Easter Monday, my dears!
Here is a limited offer:
 Something really special.
 Something, I don't usually do.
 More playfull.
 More teasing. 


Get ready for every day 1-3 PPV video message.
From aplying the  chocolate slowly and precisely over my tits, through cover the toppings with some sweet sprinkles, to shaking, touching, and tasting!
Day by day progress!
Easter only!

I wish You happy boner!
Tip me 5€ for hot photo ...

...or check your DM for video every day Easter week!

Don't forget while it's still Easter...
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